Influence of personal learning environments on the metacognitive skills associated with digital writing


  • Gerzon Yair Calle-Álvarez
  • Jorge Andrés Sánchez-Castro



Metacognition, High School, Personal Environment of Learning (PLE), Digital writing, Technologies of the information and the communications (ICT


To implement a Personal Environment of Learning (PLE) as pedagogic strategy, it needs of a planned dynamics and contextualized, depending on motivating the student towards the achievement of the intentions of learnings. This article is the result of an investigation that had inside his aims explore the influence of the characteristics to manage resources, to interact and to contribute of the personal environments of learning in the skills metacognitivas associated to the digital writing in the average education. The approach assumed in the study was mixed, there took part the 26 students of high school, who during 15 meetings elaborated three textual digital productions supported by the resources that his PLE was offering them. The principal results showed that the characteristics to manage resources that the PLE possesses influenced significantly the actions relating to the plantation, production and review of the task of digital writing


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How to Cite

Influence of personal learning environments on the metacognitive skills associated with digital writing. (2017). Entramado, 13(1), 128-146.

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