Antinomies and paradoxes of global civil society


  • Edwin Cruz Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Global civil society, world politics, power, democracy


What we can understand by global civil society and which are its implications for the exercise of the power worldwide? This paper examines this problem. First, it analyzes the antinomies of the concept of global civil society from an analytical perspective. Second, studies its normative content relating to democratization and global power. There are three antinomies when trying to define the concept of global civil society as an analytical category: it cannot be conceived by reference to a State or political global community, since this one is non-existent; it is not raised in an area of civility that excludes the violence; and it is not possible to define it from an objective perspective, because the dispute for his meaning does part of itself. In normative terms there is a paradox because global civil society does not represent citizens or general interests but bodies with particular interest linked to the need of government or global governance. However, it has generated a change in conceptions and conditions of exercise of power on the global stage that potentially contribute to the democratization of world politics.


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