Exportaciones del Valle del Cauca


  • Dubán F. Peña Benitez Universidad Libre


Exports, model VAR, Regional growth, trade agreements


This paper analyzes the determinants of the exports of the Valle del Cauca between 1970 - 2004, and, in a short and a medium term prediction of through a VAR and a generalized function of impulse response. The findings showed significance of variables like the world-income (IM), the commercial price of the exportable goods (TCR), trade agreements (Aptdea) and the dynamics of the exportable supply (XVt-1). The prediction for the exports of the region, established that the TCR has positive short term effects, the world-wide Income (IM) impacts in a more positively way in the long term than in the short one and the variable related to commercial agreements shows single importance in the short but not in the long term.


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