Fruit naidi (Euterpe oleracea) and perspective food security in colombia


  • Sandra Patricia Montenegro-Gómez
  • Maité Rosales-Escarria



Palm, Euterpe oleracea, Naidi, Açai, food security


Euterpe oleracea is an original palm of South America, its distribution is clearly tropical and subtropical. Its fruit is highly made use in Brazil, where one knows like açai. Commercialized so much inside as out of the country, its exportation levels have increased due to scientific results that indicate high antirust and nourishing properties. It is considered to be a functional food and of importance in the support of the food security. In Colombia E. Oleracea does presence in the pacific region principally in middle valley of the rivers Atrato and Magdalen, its well-known fruit as naidi takes advantage in departments of Nariño, Cauca, Valle del Cauca and Chocó. Inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean value the Naidi fruit for its nourishing qualities and for being a source of income for many families that they commercialize on local markets. The use of this resource turns out to be affected because the abundant harvests, they happen only in two seasons, causing priorización

for the use of the palm heart (bud) on the fruit, committing itself the use sustentable of the resource and the food security since the palm heart extraction, first it affects the fructification and second, it does not favor the economy of the region, because exporting foreign companies do its development. Therefore this resource fitogenético needs attention of governmental entities and institutions that they contribute in the strengthening of the commercialization of the fruit taking its nourishing and healthy kindness as a base.


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How to Cite

Fruit naidi (Euterpe oleracea) and perspective food security in colombia. (2015). Entramado, 11(2), 200-207.

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