Frugal innovation factors generating sustainable value for organizations
added value, frugal innovation, organizations, sustainabilityAbstract
This article highlights the contributions of frugal innovation in the generation of value and sustainability of organizations in emerging countries. For this study, 215 research articles were consulted in scientific journals with high impact databases Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO Business Source Premier, Science Direct and Springer, in the period 2010-2021, considering as the search equation for the words key the terms "innovation" "frugality" and "sustainability", which allowed the final filtration of 30 articles, after selecting the documents that met the inclusion criteria and whose results evidence the contribution and benefits of frugal innovation. As a result, the outstanding contribution and innovative frugal products applied successfully in different economic sectors of Asia and Africa stand out. It is concluded that frugal innovation drives the creation of goods and services with superior performance compared to products lacking innovation
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