Productivity factors and their influence on the survival of small and medium-sized productive enterprises in the food and tobacco sub-sector, in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga
Survival, Productivity, Small Business, Medium BusinessAbstract
Business survival has always been the concern of businessmen, of the productive sectors and associations in general, making good decisions will always be the reason why businessmen study, prepare and take risks in their work. At the global, regional and country level, there is a coincident survival figure, not higher than 50% after the fifth year of operation. In this research, at first, different studies are reviewed that show coincidence in the identification of productive factors that influence the business survival of SMEs. These 6 factors were chosen: human talent, marketing, innovation, information technology, quality and management. At second place, the study continues with the food and tobacco producing sector of the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Santander, this being the sector that contributes the most to the gross domestic product of the department of Santander. On this population, a survey was carried out to implement the 6 productivity factors chosen, with their respective variables, a statistical analysis was carried out defining 3 age groups, implementing descriptive statistics and correlation methods between variables. Among the main findings, it is identified that the variables related to human talent, such as professionalization and training, were determined as the ones that contribute the most to business survival in the department of Santander.
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