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Towards a new spirit of the age? Dynamics and trends of evolution in the social system and the economy


  • Javier Muñoz Orozco Universidad Vasco de Quiroga, Morelia, México



Artificial Intelligence, Autopoiesis, General Theory of Systems, Protestant Ethics, Social System, Spirit of the Age


The author explores the evolution of the Spirit of the Age at capitalism’s birth (Parsons, 1929), and analyses the social system using an integrative approach (von Bertalanffy, 1976) in the attempt to find an issue for both in the years to come. This revision encompasses an analysis of the individual being, the reason for a human being to be, the triggers for his actions and the enculturation he receives from society. An analysis is made of the historical role of religion in the ideology of societies. The method used is taken from Maturana’s autopoiesis that was replicated in sociology by Luhmann (Rodríguez y Torres, 2003), and here is applied to capitalism. Experts vision of future society are revised and matched with actual trends in technology and new forms of jobs.

As a conclusion, it is impossible to make a prediction of future society and the fate of capitalism, due to the complexity of variables involved in the system, the only thing that could be made is being aware of major events as well as to those little effects (Prigogine & Stengers, 1994) that appear in the moment of bifurcations.


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Author Biography

  • Javier Muñoz Orozco, Universidad Vasco de Quiroga, Morelia, México

    Licenciado en Economía, UNAM, México; maestro en Administración, ITESM, México; doctor en Administración, Universidad de Celaya, México; profesor e investigador, Universidad Vasco de Quiroga, Morelia, México


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How to Cite

Towards a new spirit of the age? Dynamics and trends of evolution in the social system and the economy. (2022). Criterio Libre, 20(36), e418906.