Methodology for inclusion of ict in smes based on the strategic direction


  • Adriana Aguilera Castro
  • Sandra Cristina Riascos Erazo



ICT, methodology, SMEs, strategic direction


This article aims to present a methodology for the inclusion of ICT in Colombian SMEs; the methodology is based on the theory of the strategic direction and on information collected in 106 SMEs in the city of Santiago de Cali, Colombia. The research was conducted in three stages: (a) analysis of the most relevant aspects of the strategic direction; (b) collection of information of ICT in SMEs; (c) the information analysis and structuring of the methodology proposed. Among the most important results you can highlight three: fi rst, that there is signifi cant alignment between the ICT strategic plans and strategic plans of SMEs; second, the budget allocation for the inclusion and maintenance of ICT in SMEs is low; even for some of these companies are not established formally; and third, it was established that ICT effectively support the decision making processes in SMEs.


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How to Cite

Methodology for inclusion of ict in smes based on the strategic direction. (2016). Criterio Libre, 14(24), 149-167.