Salaries, raises and incentives in health care institutions: the case of Villavicencio (Colombia)


  • Dagoberto Torres-Flórez Universidad de los Llanos
  • Andrey Camilo Laverde Universidad de los Llanos



Competitiviness, salary, incetives, benefities, customer service, compensations


Carrying out an analysis of human management processes turns out to be a very beneficial exercise to contribute to the improvement of companies, since it allows us to know the current situation and determine what is being done wrong, therefore knowing the salary characteristics presented by the lending institutions of the IPS Health Service of Villavicencio allowed to know the salary and hiring elements that IPS applies to its collaborators, and in addition, to identify the benefits and incentives with which they try to motivate and retain their collaborators, and taking into account the important that it turns out that the staff responsible for caring for and ensuring the health of people is motivated and feels good in their work, because that way they will provide a better service. For which a descriptive study with a quantitative approach was carried out, using the structured questionnaires MP05a and MP05b, and applying them to those in charge of human management in the IPS of the city, obtaining results that contribute to an improvement in the processes.


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How to Cite

Salaries, raises and incentives in health care institutions: the case of Villavicencio (Colombia). (2020). Criterio Libre, 18(33), 111-125.

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