The co-creation and the new challlenges of value generation that face the organizations




Co-creation, Marketing, Service-dominant logic, Value creation


Through an analytical and reflective vision, the aim of this article is to clarify the emerging concept of co-creation, its advantages, limitations, and the processes that facilitate its application. A review of the academic literature from the first studies is made, which proposes different ways of co-create in contrast to the paradigm of the Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) in marketing. Recent studies indicate that the consumer should not be considered as a passive element (the objective) but must become an active element (co-creator or co-producer) for the companies. Among other aspects, it is concluded that, in order to generate a sustained value in the organizations, the focus of the actions of the managers should be the creation of joint value with their clients and not the exclusive goal of increasing the sales of its products or services, which are designed internally and closed way.


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Author Biography

  • DORIS PRADA ARAQUE, Universidad de Zaragoza




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How to Cite

The co-creation and the new challlenges of value generation that face the organizations. (2021). Criterio Libre, 16(29), 165-182.