Moral hazard in the fiscal audit


  • Liliam Betancur Jaramillo



Asymmetry of information,, Moral hazard, Agent, Principal, Tax audit, Audit, Report


The asymmetry of information is a condition of any contractual relationship, since the contractor (principal) is not completely aware of the work that he is assigning, nor verifies what the contract (agent) does. Then several problems arise: one of these is the moral hazard, which generates harmful situations for the principal, being the principal as responsible for the risk as the agent. The tax audit, as a contractual relationship is not exempt from this asymmetry and, therefore, it is possible that moral hazard arises in the development of the audit carried out by the professional contracted for this purpose. Examples of this are actions for which tax reviewers were sanctioned during the past five years, and failures to the rules discussed in the presentation of reports; these examples allow to assert the existence of moral hazard in the development of the fiscal audit.


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