Theory of pecking order: ¿application in Colombia? a bibliographic review


  • Óscar Alberto Alarcón Pérez



capital cost, capital structure, financial deficit, Pecking Order theory


This article analyzes the different variables of the debt in a bibliographic review of the capital structure in the Colombian productive sectors. It delves particularly into the theory of the Pecking Order and seeks to validate and model the behavior of the debt in companies according to the stipulated by the authors analyzed. The document aims to be a reference of the quantitative study in the concepts and variables that are related to the structure of capital, and it is based on a statistical analysis of the debt variables, where it is modeled and correlated with the elements that govern the theory of the hierarchy. In the end, the document concludes on the diversification in the management of the debt in the organizations and at the same time, in the non-rigidity in the proposed models of the capital structure. It proposes new research guidelines in terms of the tools used for the analysis and the relevance of characterizing the study sectors.


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How to Cite

Theory of pecking order: ¿application in Colombia? a bibliographic review. (2018). Criterio Libre, 15(27), 139-154.