The ports law 33/2010 and the corporate social responsibility of spanish port authorities


  • José Boza Chirino
  • Matias González Hernández
  • Javier De León Ledezma



corporate social responsibility, Law on Ports, Perceptions of the business people, Sustainability reports


The Law on Ports 33/2010 regulating the economic regime and rendering of services at ports of general interest includes the obligation for all public organisms to apply sustainable development strategies and to justify their actions and communicate the results through the publication of a Sustainability Report. This particular aspect of the law is new; given that there is no similar normative that obliges the Port Authorities to be accountable for their actions in social responsibility issues at a European level. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the perceptions of the Port Authorities regarding the law one year after its application


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How to Cite

The ports law 33/2010 and the corporate social responsibility of spanish port authorities. (2014). Criterio Libre, 12(21), 199-218.