The values at work and their relation to learning organizations

A study in the employment context of the mexican bajio


  • Dr Sergio Méndez Valencia
  • Dr Javier Muñoz Orozco
  • Dr Roberto Hernández Sampieri
  • Lilia Patricia López Vázquez



employee participation, learning organizations, personnel, values


One of the most important elements in the study of the culture of human groups are values. Their influence in organization can be clearly appreciated in different aspects. In this study, the readiness of companies to learn was explored in the Mexican employment context in the region denominated Bajio. It was sought to relate both constructs – values and readiness to learn -, using models and tools with extensive empirical evidence. Although the results are exploratory in nature, it is considered that they open a line of research relevant to various sectors and regions.


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How to Cite

The values at work and their relation to learning organizations: A study in the employment context of the mexican bajio. (2015). Criterio Libre, 13(22), 101-127.