The contracts of construction in colombia and impact when adopts international standards of financial information - nic 11-


  • HELIO FABIO RAMÍREZ ECHEVERRY Cooinvestigador del Grupo de investigación Gestión y Apoyo a Mipymes
  • LUIS EDUARDO SUÁREZ BALAGUERA Cooinvestigador del Grupo de investigación Gestión y Apoyo a Mipymes Resumen bibliográfico no tiene



International Procedure of Accounting (NIC), nternational Procedure of Financial Information (NIIF), adoption, ontracts of construction


In the present work there treat each other the principal countable aspects to bear in mind in the managing of the contracts of construction in Colombia on having adopted International Standards of Financial Information, allowing to visualize the impact that would have in the country the adoption of the International Norm of Accounting NIC 11 named Contracts of Construction, in the companies allowed to quote in amounts when they trade with values publicly and those who present great public interest for which it is recommended to follow the NIC / NIIF issued by IASB. An example of accounting of a contract of construction in a Colombian company should be effected.


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Author Biographies

  • HELIO FABIO RAMÍREZ ECHEVERRY, Cooinvestigador del Grupo de investigación Gestión y Apoyo a Mipymes

  • LUIS EDUARDO SUÁREZ BALAGUERA, Cooinvestigador del Grupo de investigación Gestión y Apoyo a Mipymes Resumen bibliográfico no tiene


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How to Cite

The contracts of construction in colombia and impact when adopts international standards of financial information - nic 11-. (2018). Criterio Libre, 8(12), 185-207.