Systems of recommendation in the electronic commerce and e- education


  • CLAUDIA CONSTANZA CABAL CRUZ Universidad del Quindío
  • FRANCISCO J. MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ Universidad de Granada España
  • VALENTÍN MOLINA MORENO Universidad de Granada España



Systems of recommendation, customization of products, experiences online, electronic commerce, e-education


The quantity of available information and his dispersion, does that the individuals come to external sources of information at the moment of taking decisions to purchase or when they are looking for information with academic and / or researching purposes in order to obtain recommendations that optimize the use of his resources. In the Internet context, there have developed applications named Systems of Recommendation (MR.), used to expire with these goals, benefiting both the organizations and the consumers / users. The aim of the present work is to explain the incorporation of strategies of marketing for the customization of products / information and the experience, in the electronic commerce and in the education distantly or virtually. Conclusions indicate that the investigation developed concerning the paper of impersonal sources of information in the capture of decisions has been scanty. Nevertheless, its importance in the process of trade and of education in Internet is reflected in the possibility of personalizing the information to the preferences or needs of different users, as it has been demonstrated in the applications of MR. in the commercial area.


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Author Biographies

  • CLAUDIA CONSTANZA CABAL CRUZ, Universidad del Quindío

  • FRANCISCO J. MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ, Universidad de Granada España

  • VALENTÍN MOLINA MORENO, Universidad de Granada España


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How to Cite

Systems of recommendation in the electronic commerce and e- education. (2018). Criterio Libre, 8(12), 161-182.