Export performance of the industrial sector in Colombia

Analysis of efficient frontier


  • Jorge Restrepo
  • Juan Gabriel Vanegas




DEA, Exports, Dynamic simulation, Technical efficiency


In this paper, a comparative analysis is carried out among the exports
industrial sectors which created more employment during 2000-2011. A
dynamic simulation is used and a Data Envelopment Analysis is applied in
order to obtain an overall index of technical efficiency. This index determines
the presence of underused resources, which is useful to design strategies to
support exports. The analysis is based on a Monte Carlo simulation forecast
to determine the average values of the period for the input variables: number
of firms, employees, assets, and energy consumption to produce the output
variables: gross production and exports. This method is used for checking the
effectiveness of the factors of production to generate exports, and determine
the possibility of improving inefficient sectors. The goal is to participate in
the internationalization process in a proper way.


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How to Cite

Export performance of the industrial sector in Colombia: Analysis of efficient frontier. (2014). Criterio Libre, 12(21), 139-156. https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-0642/criteriolibre.2014v12n21.124