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Associativity and marketing: key factors for business competitiveness case study Colombia




associativity, competitiveness, covid 19, Latin America, statistic


This study presents the results of an evaluation conducted on companies operating in the tourism sector, analyzed in the context of the impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between policies and management practices related to the associative processes of different business units. The study employs the MIGSA tool, which helps to identify, among other factors, how variables such as associativity and marketing are interrelated. The findings reveal a heterogeneous behavior among companies, particularly in their interest in developing new practices to promote business growth. This highlights the ongoing need for continuous learning and the generation of activities related to research, innovation, and development


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Author Biography

  • Melva Inés-Gómez-Caicedo, Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores


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How to Cite

Associativity and marketing: key factors for business competitiveness case study Colombia. (2024). Criterio Libre, 22(41), 117-133.