Relations and the social structure of accumulation


  • Jaime O. López de Mesa C.



balance of power, financialization, new world order, social structures of accumulation


In the last three decades, the world has experienced two large, fi rstly since the mid-seventies the advent of a new phase of accumulation in the capitalist system, fueled by the oil crisis and the crisis of the welfare state, among other factors. Furthermore with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, was launched a new era in international relations, commonly called the New World Order. This essay argues that the two phenomena are linked through the setup of a new social structure of accumulation of neoliberal character first is global and encompassing economic, social and political levels.


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How to Cite

Relations and the social structure of accumulation. (2015). Criterio Libre, 13(23), 123-142.