The determinants of intra-industry specialization in colombian industrial firms 1992-2009
competitiveness, industrial companies, intra-industry tradeAbstract
Under the new perspectives of the origins of international trade, this paper studies the determinants of vertical specialization in industrial enterprises of Colombia in the period 1992-2009 using an ordered Probit model, based on annual manufacturing survey (EAM). Among the results, the paper finds that high productivity and endowment per worker are the most influential factors in determining the pattern of trade in the Colombian industrial companies. Finally there is not empirical evidence that trade policy distort the pattern of trade. The high informality and low productivity are barriers to obtain better trade position in the global markets.
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Clark, Don & Denise Stanley (1999). Determinants of Intraindustry trade Between Developing Countries and the United States. Journal of Economic Development, 24, N° 2, December.
Clavijo, S., Vera, A., & Fandiño, A. (2012). Desindustrialización en Colombia. Carta Financiera ANIF.
Clogg, Clifford C. & Shihadeh, Edward (1994). Statistical Models for Ordinal Variables. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Coase, Ronald (1937). The nature of the firm. Economica 4.16.
Corden, W & Neary, Peter (1982). Booming Sector and De-Industrialisation in a Small Open Economy. Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 92(368). December.
DANE (2009). Metodología Encuesta Anual Manufacturera. Bogotá. Versión electrónica.
Durán J. & Álvarez, M. (2008). Indicadores de comercio exterior y política comercial: mediciones de posición y dinamismo comercial. Chile: CEPAL. Versión electrónica.
Echavarría, Juan José & Villamizar, M. (2009). La desindustrialización en Colombia. Disponible en: bdr/borrec/361.html Consultado el 2 de abril de 2012.
Falvey, R. (1981). Commercial Policy and Intra-Industry Trade. Journal of International Economics, vol. 11.
Fu, Vincent (1998). Estimating Generalized Ordered Logit Models. Stata Technical Bulletin 44. In: Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 8. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
García, B. F. (1994). Problemas de competitividad del sector exportador valenciano. Revista de Estudios Regionales, (39).
Grubel, G. & Lloyd, J. (1975). Intra-industry trade: the theory and measurement of international trade in differentiated products. New York: Wiley.
Gujarati, D. (2010). Econometría. 4 ed. México: McGraw-Hill.
Hamilton, L.C. (2009). Statistics with STATA 8. Belmont, CA: Duxbury Press.
Jiménez, J. C. & Narbona, A. (2010). Institutional factors as determinants of international trade flows. Revista de economía mundial, 24(24).
Kohler, U. & Kreuter, F. (2009). Data Analysis Using Stata. College Station, Stata. Press.
Kol, J. & Mennes, L. (1985). Intra-industry Specialization: Some Observations on Concept and Measurement. Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 33.
Krugman, P. (1979). Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition and International Trade. Journal of International Economics, vol. 9.
Krugman, P. (1980). Scale Economies, Product Differentiation and the Pattern of Trade. American Economic Review, vol. 70.
Krugman, P. (2008). Economía internacional, Teoría y política. Séptima ed. Pearson Addison Wesley.
Lancaster, K. (1980). Intra-industry trade under perfect monopolistic competition. Journal of international Economics, 10(2).
Liu, Z., & Li, Q. (2014). The Government Subsidy Strategy Choice for Firm’s R&D: Input Subsidy or Product Subsidy? Economics Research International.
Lu, J. W. & Beamish, P. W. (2001). The internationalization and performance of SMEs. Strategic Management Journal, 22(6 7).
Lucena, R. (2006). Comercio internacional y crecimiento económico. Una propuesta para la discusión. Aldea Mundo, mayo.
Maha, A., Donici, A. N., & Maha, L. G. (2012). Limits And Difficulties In Implementing The Strategic Trade Policy. CES Working Papers, (4).
Martín Montaner, Joan A. & Ríos, Vicente (2001). Especialización vertical y comercio intraindustrial: el papel de la dotación de factores. Universitat JaumeI de Castelló e Institutd’Economia Internacional. Málaga.
Melitz, J. (2002). The impact of trade on intraindustry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity working paper 8881. http:// Abril.
Mitchell, M. (2008). A visual guide to Stata Graphics. Stata Press.
Orlaith, M. (2005). Intra.Industry Trade: The EU and South Korea. Journal Selection: Applied Economics. Noviembre.
Peters, E.D. (2004). Propuestas de política para mejorar la competitividad y la diversificación de la industria maquiladora de exportación en Honduras ante los retos del CAFTA (vol. 24). United Nations Publications.
Rabe-Hesketh, S. & Everitt, B. (2004). A Handbook of Statistical Analysis Using STATA. London: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
Potes, M. N. (2013). Colombia: historia cambiaria, revaluación y “Enfermedad Holandesa”. Escenarios: empresa y territorio, (2)
Sawyer, W. C., Sprinkle, R. L., & Tochkov, K. (2010). Patterns and determinants of intraindustry trade in Asia. Journal of Asian Economics, 21(5).
Sotomayor, M. (2008). Un estudio sobre el comercio intraindustrial de México en el TLC con América del Norte. Tesis de doctorado. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Sotomayor, M. (2012). Patterns and Determinants of Intra Industry Trade for the Mexican NonMaquiladora Manufacturing Industry. The Journal of Business, 11(1).
Williams, Richard (2006). Generalized Ordered Logit / Partial Proportional Odds Models for Ordinal Dependent Variables. The Stata Journal 6(1).
Yuan, X., & Xi, Z. (2011). Determinants of intraindustry trade in manufactures between the China and Economies of East Asia. In: E-Business and E-Government (ICEE). International Conference. IEEE.
Zamudio, L. E. V. (2014). La desindustrialización en Colombia. Apuntes del Cenes, 33(57).
How to Cite
The determinants of intra-industry specialization in colombian industrial firms 1992-2009. (2015). Criterio Libre, 13(23), 99-122.