Course of Introduction to Virtuality in Distance Education for the Strengthening of Student Permanence


  • Geraldi Leudo Zárate
  • Yuli Andrea Botero Caicedo



Student permanence, virtuality, desertion, psychology


The present article exposes a significant experience that had as objective to implement a strategy based on psychopedagogical activities oriented to the strengthening of the student permanence in the National Open and Distance University - UNAD- Palmira. In the diagnostic phase it was found that the main reasons for dropping out of the university for the 2015-2016 cohort were the economic factors related to a bad investment of money, the lack of time organization and the lack of adaptation to the virtual methodology. It was evidenced with students of recent academic periods close to the degree procedure, that the necessary skills for academic continuity are autonomy, self-regulation and self-discipline and that the most important "permanence factor" within the academic process is the clear establishment of goals, that is, the life project. The strategy of student permanence implemented: Mini Introductory Course on Virtuality, convened the new students of period 16-1 of 2017 to participate in a face-to-face or virtual way for five weeks, in five workshops focused on the life project, strengthening attitudes and skills for virtuality, the sense of belonging to the institution, strengthening the socio-academic network of the student body, virtual campus training, learning to learn in virtuality and permanent accompaniment in synchronous and asynchronous attention. This strategy made it possible to demonstrate in the students the formation of an academic support network, consolidation in the management of the virtual campus, adaptation to the methodology, improvement of habits and skills of the virtual methodology, awareness about their project of academic life and sense of belonging to the University. The web conference tool facilitated the participation, but at the same time the technical flaws of the same produced discomfort during the process.



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Articles results of research processes

How to Cite

Course of Introduction to Virtuality in Distance Education for the Strengthening of Student Permanence. (2017). Criterio Libre Jurídico, 14(2), 159-164.

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