Impact on travel average time produced by transport infrastructure.

Application in urban area


  • Diego Alexander Escobar García, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional
  • Francisco Javier García Orozco, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional
  • Oscar Correa Calle Universidad Nacional


Spatial Coverage, accessibility, graphs, impact assessment, mobility


The Municipality of Manizales is currently
implementing the “Piezas Intermedias de
Planificación (PIP)”, which are instruments of
urban planning that normalize the proposed land
use and new transport infrastructure, seeking to
generate an adequate mobility, sustainable and
efficient. This research applies a methodology
based in accessibility analysis in the operating
characteristics of road network; also, it allows
to compute the impact of a set of transport
infrastructure, depending on operating variables,
new mobility channels, densification and future
population that would have the sectors in which
works are being done. The results show how a
set of transport infrastructure provide greater
accessibility to a particular urban area, linking the
areas of greatest gain in average travel time with
areas of higher density population.


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How to Cite

Impact on travel average time produced by transport infrastructure.: Application in urban area. (2013). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 9(1), 51-58.

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