Evolution of accessibility Manizales (2000 - 2009) and its relationship with the transport infrastructure construction
Accessibility, GPS, Impact evaluation, Infrastructure, Land planningAbstract
This research assesses the accessibility offered byglobal average urban road network between 2000and 2009. We study the evolution of accessibilityisochronous curves in three periods (2000 - 2003,2003 - 2006 and 2006 - 2009), between 2000 and2009 carried out a total of 35 transport construction,2 were completed in the first period, 8 in thesecond and 25 in the third. From the processingof the collected data are analyzed isochronouscurve characteristics for each period and comparativedata are obtained between them. The researchgives valuable graphical results showing theareas of the city that have been most benefitedas a result of the construction of new transportinfrastructure. Finding certain relations when wecompare the results obtained with the use of soilor the category of the road network that connectsa particular area.
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