Volumetric and gravimetric representation of paths in soils Oscar


  • Oscar Correa-Calle, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional
  • Francisco Javier García Orozco, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional
  • Diego Alexander Escobar García, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional


Soil mechanics, Charge-discharge processes, phase relations


This article builds on the basic concepts of volumetricand gravimetric soil relationships, conside-red this as a particle system consists of three phases(solid, liquid and gas). We propose a diagramto represent synthetically and simultaneous, majorphysical changes experienced by the soil. Changesin terms of specific wet weight, moisture, void ratioand saturation, during the occurrence of processesas: wetting and drying, saturation and desaturation,squash and stretch, contraction and expansion,consolidation, seasonal flow and transient flow.Each physical process follows a different path froman initial volumetric and gravimetric state.


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3. Lambe, T. William y Whitman, Robert V.(1991). “Mecánica de Suelos”. Editorial LimusaS.A., México D.F (México).

4. Correa-Calle, Oscar (2005). “Modelo dinámicopara calificación de la amenaza pluvial y evaluaciónde la posibilidad de erosión en la sectorizacióngeotécnica de oleoductos y su aplicacióna la planeación y toma de decisiones”. UniversidadNacional de Colombia,




How to Cite

Volumetric and gravimetric representation of paths in soils Oscar. (2013). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 10(1), 20-26. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/avances/article/view/2722

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