Toward a true relationship between an engineering program and the comprehensive training concept


  • Omar Ivan Trejos Buriticá, M.Sc, PhD Universidad Tecnologíca de Pereira


Engineering education, comprehensive training, significant learning, brain, communication


This article proposes a way to integrate subjectsin a given semester of an engineering program, sothat the comprehensive training theory becomes apractical example. Due this, we need to promotethree categories of dialogue: matters dialogue,academic dialogue and professional dialogue,non-existent in the universities and necessary toimplement the concept of integral training to ourstudents. To achieve it, first we make a connectionbetween the general structure of an engineeringprogram and Significant Learning theoryconstitutes the theoretical basis of this proposal.Finally, you can find some analysis to establishthe conditions necessary for this proposal to beeffective in engineering programs.


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4. Aamodt, Sandra et al (2008). Entra en tu cerebro,Barcelona (España), Ediciones B.

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How to Cite

Toward a true relationship between an engineering program and the comprehensive training concept. (2010). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(13), 45-52.

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