Impact of a Cable transport system on the urban mobility. Manizales Case (Colombia)


  • Diego Alexander Escobar García, Ph.D Universidad Nacional
  • Francisco Javier García Orozco, Ph.D Universidad Nacional


Accessibility, impact assessment, cable, coverage, mobility


The urban development of Manizales cityresponds to adapt to an abrupt and ruggedtopography. Located on the edge of the hill,allowing an opening to the landscape alongits route, the urban growth had to adapt tothe conditions topographic, generating adiscontinuous urban structure.At the end of 2009, local government builta cable system linking the downtown with thenew transport terminal. This article assessesthe impact caused by the construction of thefirst aerial tramway over the means travel timespent by residents, is a comparison of meanstravel times (with and without aerial tramway)for the variables: area, population and numberof households covered. It makes use of themethodology of territorial accessibility analysisusing geostatistical techniques.


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How to Cite

Impact of a Cable transport system on the urban mobility. Manizales Case (Colombia). (2011). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 8(1), 92-98.

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