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The Intercultural Competences of the Academic Community at the Technological Institute of Antioquia - University Institution.


  • Dary Marcela Ángel Rodríguez Tecnológico de Antioquia
  • Yaky Nayara Ramírez Villegas Tecnológico de Antioquia
  • Daniel Bedoya Villa Tecnológico de Antioquia
  • Víctor Santiago Largo Gaviria Tecnológico de Antioquia
  • Ángel de Jesús Serna Ledesma Tecnológico de Antioquia



intercultural competences, intercultural sensitivity, memes, difference, diversity


The research exercise presented here is the result of the analysis carried out regarding the intercultural competences of the academic community - both teachers and students - in a Higher Education Institution in the city of Medellin: the Technological Institute of Antioquia - University Institution (TdeA). Thus, based on the framework of UNESCO's intercultural competences (2006), as well as the institution's PEI (2020) and Milton Bennett's ethno-relative cultural approach (1983), we designed a measurement instrument for intercultural sensitivity that reveals the degrees of interaction with diversity and cultural difference. In this instrument, we used widely spread memes on social media, highlighting mocking attitudes towards members of different social groups based on ethnic, racial, and gender differences, as well as neurocognitive and religious diversity.


The results demonstrate that the majority of the academic community is in stages of adaptation and acceptance of cultural differences, meaning high levels of intercultural sensitivity, which allows for considering appropriate intercultural competences for interacting with cultural diversity.


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How to Cite

Ángel Rodríguez, D. M., Ramírez Villegas, Y. N., Bedoya Villa, D., Largo Gaviria, V. S. ., & Serna Ledesma, Ángel de J. . (2023). The Intercultural Competences of the Academic Community at the Technological Institute of Antioquia - University Institution. Arista Crítica, 3, 50-74.

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