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The cyborgs, androids and robotics of audiovisual culture to biolaw and bioconstitutionalism: bases for the statute of the construction of the statute of the electronic person




Bioethics, Technology, Development, Science, Audiovisu


Technological development is characterized by manifesting itself as a process with great capacity for progress, since technological developments become evident every month whose implications often seem unpredictable, since they are responsible for breaking the barrier that exists between imagination and reality. Going even to give viability to situations, beings or machines that formerly only existed in the imagination of people. All of which is in charge of putting in check the traditional anthropocentric notion of Human Rights, making it necessary to discuss the existence, even theoretical, of these new legal manifestations, in order that from said analysis responses arise to new problems that are difficult to solve. . These problems are called to allow bioethics to become an analysis tool, through which legal thought is exercised towards previously unimaginable spaces. Audiovisual culture can have a great impact on the way people perceive and understand bioethics. Through television, cinema, and streaming platforms, people's opinions and beliefs on ethical issues related to health, science, and human rights can be influenced. However, it is also important to note that audiovisual culture often has a commercial focus and can present a distorted picture of certain ethical issues. Audiovisual culture and bioethics have several connection points. First, the representation of bioethical issues in films, television series, and other audiovisual media can have a significant impact on how people perceive and understand these issues. For example, a film that dramatically portrays a case of human cloning can generate a great deal of public debate and diverse opinions on the subject. Second, the production and distribution of audiovisual content is subject to ethical and legal standards. For example, there are laws that prohibit the display of
violent or sexually explicit content to minors, and there are also ethical provisions that prohibit the display of content that promotes discrimination or hate. Third, audiovisual technology may also have ethical implications in itself. For
example, the use of virtual reality in medicine may have ethical interpretations regarding patient privacy and safety, and artificial intelligence may have ethical interpretations regarding decision automation and discrimination. To this end, this article presents a bioethical discussion that uses audiovisual popular culture to trace the notions of interaction through which people have consciously or unconsciously learned, the limits and concepts with which they formulate their version of the man/machine interaction.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Fernando Gil Osorio, Universidad de Medellín

    *Abogado de la Universidad de Medellín, Doctor (c) en Derecho de la Universidad Externado de
    Colombia. Magíster en Derechos Humanos y Democratización de las universidades Externado de
    Colombia y Carlos III de Madrid. Ex decano de la Facultad de Derecho de la Escuela Militar de
    Cadetes “General José María Córdova”. Investigador Junior (IJ) reconocido y categorizado por
    MinCiencias, ex director del Observatorio DOPER, docente universitario, par académico del Consejo
    Nacional de Acreditación (CNA), miembro de la Academia Colombiana de Derecho Internacional
    (Accoldi), Contacto: ,código ORCID:

  • Brajhan Santiago Obando Obando, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    *Abogado de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Doctor © en Estudios Avanzados en
    Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Magister en Derecho del Estado con
    énfasis en Derecho Público de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Magíster en Derecho Médico
    de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Especialista en Docencia Universitaria, , Código ORCID:

  • Luis Fernando Ortega Guzmán, Universidad Católica de Colombia

    Abogado de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, magíster en Filosofía del Derecho y teoría
    Jurídica de la Universidad Libre de Bogotá y ex coordinador de investigaciones de la Facultad de
    Derecho de la Escuela Militar de Cadetes “General José María Córdova”. Contacto:,
    código Orcid:


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How to Cite

The cyborgs, androids and robotics of audiovisual culture to biolaw and bioconstitutionalism: bases for the statute of the construction of the statute of the electronic person. (2023). Verba Luris, 49.

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