Effects of the control of conventionality in the jurisprudence of the state council
Conventional control, Council of State, Court I.D.H. Human Rights, Integral reparation, VictimsAbstract
The Jurisprudence of the Court I.D.H. has created the Conventional Control. Created on purpose, this is a figure of American International Law that implies that all the organs of power of the States that conform the Pact of San Jose especially those in charge of administer justice must abide and apply. This control is of international praetorian creation. We analyze the jurisprudence of the Council of State that orders the Colombian State to repair damages caused when its military forces of colombia and the police forget their constitutional duties. They highlight the efforts to fully repair the victims of mass violations in Colombia in collusion with “Paracas” organizations applying the jurisprudence of the Court I.D.H. This means that the time when compensation was only ordered in gold pesos or based on the present value formula is exceeded and therefore in the matter of reparation the control of conventionality operates in full supported by the principle Restitutio in Integrum.
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