Ni al tigre ni al cuero

La toma de decisiones y el uso los sistemas de soporte y de ayuda a la decisión SSD - SAD


  • Prudencia Medina Monterrosa, PM
  • Alberto Carvajalino Slaghekke, AC



Support systems to the SSD Decision, Help Systems to the SAD Decision, Decision Levels, Making of Decisions, Decision Process, Decision Scenarios


The goal of the present paper is to assess the usage of the support systems when decisions are made in the Operational, Administrative and Financial area at Makro and Tenaris Tubo Caribe enterprises in Cartagena, Colombia, and how these systems contribute with the improvement of different processes during the making of decisions in certainty, uncertainty and risk environments.
The implemented methodology is the descriptive analysis during the observations and documentation of the results in the functioning of the support system when decisions are made in each one of the areas of the company. Assessing at the same time, if the applications of the different Softwares that are used respondto an unstructured, semi-structured and structured decision according to the hierarchical level where they belong plus the type of decision that they solve, showing the advances that the use of the TICS has allowed We concluded that the use of the support tools when decisions are made, SSD and SAD in the operative, administrative and financial area at Makro and Tenaris Tubo Caribe, are mainly used in the management areas; most of the situations that are solved with the support that they offer, are for structured and semistructured decisions, that is, the required system is for support of decisions, not for help; there are very few
cases where they appear in an unstructured strategic level.


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Author Biographies

  • Prudencia Medina Monterrosa, PM

    Ingeniera Industrial (UIS) Mg. en Desarrollo Empresarial (Unimagdalena), Docente de la Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco (Cartagena),

  • Alberto Carvajalino Slaghekke, AC

    Economista Universidad Externado de Colombia. PhD(c) Geografía Económica Universidad de Salamanca. (España). Rector de la Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia - UNICOC.


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Business, Logistics and Financial Management

How to Cite

Ni al tigre ni al cuero: La toma de decisiones y el uso los sistemas de soporte y de ayuda a la decisión SSD - SAD. (2014). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 9(1), 115-128.

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