Characterization of biological risk by labor accidents in the health personnel of an ambulatory center in Guayaquil-Ecuador


  • Javier David Lara Icaza Centro Ambulatorio Efrén Jurado López, Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social. Guayaquil, Ecuador



Occupational accidents, biological risk, needlestick, needle, body fluids, prevalence, Ecuador


Introduction: Occupational accidents due to biological risk are so common that national and international registration strategies have been designed to document and respond to biological contingencies. More than 20 pathogens can be spread by blood and body fluids, the most relevant for hospital identification and monitoring being the hepatitis B, C and HIV viruses.

Objective: To characterize the biological accidents of the health professionals of the Ambulatory Center in Guayaquil.

Methods: Study descriptive with retrospective design and cross-sectional cohort; the sample corresponded to 250 health workers in the period 2017-2018. Information was acquired from the institution's occupational surveillance system, from the national standardized form. The variables evaluated were exposure to blood and body fluids through punctures, lacerations, scrapes, cuts, also in mucous membranes or non-intact skin (spatter), during the period of work activity.

Result: The prevalence rate for biological risks is 6 for every 100 health workers. The mean age was 36. 06 years (standard deviation: 11.43), 80% of the cases were female; the type of accident corresponded to the percutaneous puncture by a contaminated hollow needle in 60%. The cut with scalpel and non-hollow needle was 13.3% and 6.7% to splash to the ocular mucosa.

Conclusions: percutaneous puncture presented the highest incidence for accidents in this category, despite the fact that 94% of the workers who were injured reported the use of latex gloves as personal protection equipment.


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How to Cite

Characterization of biological risk by labor accidents in the health personnel of an ambulatory center in Guayaquil-Ecuador. (2019). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 9(1), e-6073. (Original work published 2021)

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