Organizational work stress in the nursing staff of a federal hospital, in the state of Jalisco, Mexico between 2008 and 2011
Stress, Work, Organizational, NursingAbstract
Organizational stresses are the changes that are produced and reproduced in the work environment and have created a peculiar stress process.
Objective: Of this study was to analyze the presence of ELO in the period 2008 to 2011 in nurses Regional Hospital Dr. Valentín Gómez Farias ISSSTE (HRVGF) in the state of Jalisco.
Methodology: Prospective study, an observational, longitudinal, stratified random. The participants were nursing staff. The sample was calculated based on the existing record in the human resources department of the hospital. Instrument screening questionnaire organizational stress, factor analysis applied to the data reported only two independent dimensions: the first concerns the workers' perceptions regarding the organizational conditions and group such as structure, cohesion and support of the working group and the second dimension refers to the administrative processes required of the worker.
Results: Increased presence of ELO progressively in the first dimension of 52.75% to 59.70% and second dimension is shown 49.51% to 62.10%, with services of hospitalization affected Internal Medicine and Surgery.
Conclusions: Processes is urgently needed participatory action research that promotes teamwork to solve the ELO and avoid personal, family, and institutional costs.
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