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Analysis of exposure to hand-arm vibrations in workers of a constructor


  • Carolina Castro Hoyos Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho
  • Vladimir Ramirez Diaz Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho



vibration, tools, TLV, Raynaud, industrial hygiene


Since manual machinery operators in the construction sector are exposed to different levels of hand-arm vibration for varying periods of time, approaches are needed to reduce this exposure for specific types of construction exposures. Although several types of anti-vibration gloves have been developed to address this problem, there has been a lack of research in Colombia to reduce exposures of this type in the construction sector. Methods: different hand-arm vibration measurements were performed in the four most representative machines in the construction sector. Results: Of the four machines evaluated, three showed high exposure to hand arm vibrations and a tool with moderate exposure. Conclusions: according to the results of this study, it is evident that construction works and, in general, work activities where manual tools are used must have a surveillance system that reduces the risk of acquiring musculoskeletal diseases due to exposure to vibration risks of adverse effects on health.


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Scientific or technological research article

How to Cite

Analysis of exposure to hand-arm vibrations in workers of a constructor. (2017). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 7(2), 68-71.