Absence of burnout syndrome in a group of primary and secondary education teachers from Cali, Colombia
Burnout Syndrome, psychological exhaustion, Indolence, Blame, Personal Accomplishment, CESQT-EPAbstract
Objective: To determine the prevalence of Burnout syndrome in primary and secondary school teachers from a public institution in Cali, Colombia. Methodology: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was then carried out. Results: Sociodemographic and labor data were collected and the CESQT-EP instrument was used to determine the prevalence of Burnout. According to the results obtained, the prevalence of Burnout syndrome in the group of teachers evaluated was zero; although, at the individual level, the most affected dimensions was that of mental exhaustion (75%). Conclusion: It is stated that the absence of burnout in this group is due to the presence of various protective factors, including: age, work experience and having children.Downloads
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