Prevalence of injuries, musculoskeletal symptomatology, and biomechanical risk factors in professional dancers




Ergonomics, Dance, Physical therapy, Discomfort, Symptoms,, Musculoskeletal system


Introduction: The physiological overload and high training loads involved in professional dance practice make dancers vulnerable to injury. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of injuries, musculoskeletal symptoms, and the presence of biomechanical risk factors related to static loading in professional dancers.

Methods: A quantitative, observational, descriptive study with analytical and transversal intention was conducted. A survey was designed, and a photographic record of the risk postures was made after informed consent was obtained from a sample of 180 dancers of 5 different dance genres. Data analysis was performed using the JAMOVI statistical package in its version 2.3.21.

Results: Of the total sample, 87.2% (n= 157) of cases developed musculoskeletal symptoms in the last year, with overuse being the most common cause. Given the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries, more than 50% (n= 90) of the dancers presented at least one injury in the last year. Regarding risk factors, 96.1% (n= 173) of the professional dancers found high or very high risk for static loading.

Conclusion: This study shows that musculoskeletal injuries are common among professional dancers, especially ligaments and tendons, and many develop musculoskeletal symptoms from overuse. In addition, strained posture and stress on joints can increase the risk of injury from static loads. Even so, dancers continue to practice because of the financial dependence on their careers.


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Scientific or technological research article

How to Cite

Agredo Silva, V. V., Acosta Carvajal, V., Goez Quirama, D., Montoya Estrada, J. ., Ocampo, L. F. ., Pérez Osorio, S. ., & Vásquez Úsuga, C. . (2024). Prevalence of injuries, musculoskeletal symptomatology, and biomechanical risk factors in professional dancers. Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 14(1), e-11271.

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