Evaluation of inventory management policies of medicines in a multi-level and multi-product system in the university hospital of the samaritana (hus)
Supply chain, the total cost of inventory investment, inventory management, percentage of the number of days with quantities missing, OneWarehouse N-Retailer systemAbstract
The research analyzed the efficiency of inventory management process in a multilevel system with M-suppliers, a one warehouse (BC), and four retails for supply chain for drugs at the University Hospital of the Samaritana, In order to determine the appropriate order from the central warehouse to suppliers and pharmacies from auxiliary to the central warehouse, minimizing the total cost of inventory investment and in turn the percentage of the number of days with quantities missing. Of the computational results obtained in the initial validation it is concluded that the application of the proposed model generates a saving of 50% in the total investment costs and 95% in the number of days with missing for auxiliary pharmacies.
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