Metodologia para criar uma rede de pesquisadores com base na teoria de redes complexas
Cartografia, Habitação, Danos, Estruturas, IntensidadeResumo
Several housing damages caused by geological faults are becoming increasingly frequent in certain areas of Mexico City (CDMX), their intensity and repetition are beginning to alarm many inhabitants due to the serious damage to the structure of their homes. Therefore, it is urgent to identify the possible existing active and inactive geological faults, identifying them using vector data visualized using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The objective of this analysis is focused on mapping using geomatic methods the main geological faults based on photointerpretation and obtaining vector data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) of the current urban areas and the National Risk Atlas, to contrast this information and highlight the existing problems. The San Juan de Aragón 1st Section neighborhood was chosen as the study area, to warn the population with a methodology using Geographic Information Systems and notifying them about possible affectations due to geological faults in their homes. As a conclusion, the cartography obtained should be implemented in houses established in places with some degree of risk, the contribution of the mapping using GIS will be a substantial and precise contribution to establishing civil protection mechanisms in the population of the CDMX, likewise, this contribution can be replicated in different parts of the world where the problems are similar to the examined area.
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