Entrepreneurship in Cuba
an analysis of women’s participation
Entrepreneurship, gender perspective, self-employmentAbstract
The Entrepreneurship topic has not been one of the most studied in Cuba. In 2010 government promotes it extending that way self-employed activities. However, most of the entrepreneurships have not been focused on a gender perspective. This paper exposes, briefly, some general considerations about the entrepreneurship concept and its particularities studied by diverse authors in Latin America. Later on, an analysis of the participation of women self-employed in Cuba. The activities where they are used to hold, the difficulties that they face frequently, between others are showed. The survey of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) was applied to business owner by women and men, and the results of survey and analysis of some case study are explained in the last epigraph. The used methodology has been combined theoretical study, statistic analysis and the results of fieldwork. The most significant contribution resides in showing, from the voice of the self-employed people (women and men) their considerations as well as broken myths and to reaffirm the women’s particularities in this kind of work in Cuba.
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