El emprendimento en Colombia


  • Alfonso Rodríguez Ramirez, MSc. Universidad del Valle


entrepreneurship, nascent businessmen, new businessmen, established businessmen, annual entrepreneurship rate


The objective of this paper is to analyze and contrast the entrepreneurship statistics established by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor for Colombia, a study that does an annual valuation of entrepreneurship by means of "a wide vision of what it is to start up a business, and it focuses on the role that individuals play in the business process", and it studies the behaviour of individuals in the creation of companies, i.e. "the processes and considerations of these individuals during the various stages of the business activity: from gestation to the stable phase and even possible closing of the business". Additionally, the paper seeks to construct an understanding of entrepreneurship in the Colombian context, and this will be done simultaneously with an analysis of the social, political, economic and cultural implications from an interdisciplinary point of view which interprets its purpose, action, management, innovation and especially its relation with the environment that is so transcendental for the growth of companies. In this context, 2007 was characterized by economic growth that reached 7,2 % GDP as a result of the entrepreneurial activity of many Colombians. This is supported by the aforementioned study that shows one of the highest levels of entrepreneurship in the world; the characteristics of this entrepreneurship will be analyzed.


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