Ambientes virtuales y colaborativos de aprendizaje
Su aplicación al curso Biophyton
Ambientes virtuales, ambientes colaborativos, Biophython, elearningAbstract
The following document allows for the examination of technology applied to virtual education and distance learning with relation to the methodology in the BioPython course-workshop where it is necessary to use collaborative aspects (groupware technology) for teaching and learning. The objective of the BioPython course-workshop1 is to teach biologists to program, design algorithms and express them as written programs in a programming language to be able to execute them in a computer. The structure of the document is the following: initially, a contents introduction that touches on subjects such as methodological aspects in relation to virtual and distance learning is given. The collaborative environment characteristics that support these tasks are dealt with in the second section; a specific case study will be described in the third section. The setting will be the BioPython course-workshop for biologists that took place at the CIAT (Spanish acronym - International Center for Tropical Agriculture) in December.
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