Critical knowledge management and the collective intelligence and their relationship with the social development


  • John Fredy Zuluaga-Duque



Critical knowledge management, collective intelligence, social developmen, common sense, human dignity


This article shows the relationship between critical knowledge management, collective intelligence; and social development. It is evident that an increase in collective intelligence is followed by a positive impact on the dignity of people, in improving institutions and environmental sustainability. Getting the point of critical knowledge management; variables like production, distribution, exchange and consumption of different kind of knowledge were studied. In regard to the collective intelligence; variables like common sense, traditional knowledge and social sensitivity were studied also. It is concluded in this researching that there is a close relationship between critical knowledge management and collective intelligence. It is evident that a greater critical knowledge management improves the ability of groups to solve problems.


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How to Cite

Critical knowledge management and the collective intelligence and their relationship with the social development. (2017). Entramado, 11(2), 172-187.

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