Evaluation of the results of the infant feeding program for Venezuelan migrants on the nutritional status of the participants
https://doi.org/10.18041/2619-4244/dl.35.12116Palabras clave:
Evaluación, Resultado nutricional, Impacto, Programa, Alimentación, Infantil, Venezolanos, BarranquillaResumen
For the purpose of this research, the case of a 4-month child feeding project implemented by the NGO Tearfund, in the settlement commonly known as Villa Caracas in the neighborhood of La Ceiba in the city of Barranquilla, will be analyzed. In the words of Habicht et al (1999), "the purpose of the evaluation process is to relate impact and outcome data to intervention activities”. Considering all of the above, the research question of this paper is: What was the effect of the child nutrition project for Venezuelan migrants on the nutritional status of the participants? This will give the implementing organization inputs to make decisions regarding future projects and provides evidence on the effectiveness of these projects to the general public.
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