New trends in research designs and literature concerning innovation issues. A methodological approach



Palabras clave:

Portafolio bibliográfico, Innovación, Administración de empresas


This study provides a methodological tool for preparing a bibliographic portfolio in the field of business innovation. It does not constitute a literature review nor a report on the state of the art. In its development, innovation topics were investigated in 85 (eighty-five) academic papers published in 11 (eleven) open access journals classified in SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). The results show the prevalence of studies of an eminently quantitative nature research (40% of the total observed), although it is observed that studies of a qualitative and mixed nature (60%) have the greatest weight as a whole (34% and 26% respectively) which demonstrates the importance of the qualitative paradigmatic approach in recent published studies related to innovation. Likewise, the type of process innovation is the most common in these studies (21%) out of 15 defined types. In this sense, this work serves as an epistemic reference for undertaking new studies on innovation, especially designed for novice researchers, but equally useful for experienced researchers who want to delve deeper into the subject of innovation.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Víctor Márceles-Guerrero, Universidad del Atlántico

    Dr. in Science, major in Management. URBE. Full-time associate professor, Public Accounting Program, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia.

  • Harold Silva-Guerra , Universidad del Norte

    PhD in Management – University of St. Gallen (Suiza). Full-time associate professor, School of Business, Universidad del Norte, Colombia.

  • Margel Parra-Fernández , Corporación Universitaria Reformada.

    PhD in Social Sciences, major in Management. LUZ. Research Professor, Vice Rector's Office of Research. Corporación Universitaria Reformada. Colombia.


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Artículos de investigación científica y tecnológica

Cómo citar

New trends in research designs and literature concerning innovation issues. A methodological approach. (2024). Dictamen Libre, 34: Enero-Junio, 113-125.

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