Organizational restoration, an emerging strategy as a metaphor for the adaptation of business ecosystems
adaptation, organizational ecosystems, organizational metaphors, restorationAbstract
Organizations can be seen as ecosystemic models based on thinking of them as systems. Their articulations in networks also make it possible to use metaphors from biological sciences to organizational sciences. This possibility of analysis has brought - for the development of organizational theory - images that facilitate a better understanding of the dynamics of the social and economic structures in which they develop. Thinking of organizational ecosystems as complex structures, adaptable to turbulent environments and with capacities for joint evolution and collaboration has made it possible to conceive of diverse organizational structures that are resilient in the face of environmental changes. However, individual and collective organizational structures are not always able to cope with abrupt changes in the environment, so a new organizational metaphor from the biological contribution can give new guidelines for development in this condition: organizational restoration. Restoration provides organizations with elements of analysis and intervention, particularly when the system itself no longer has the minimum elements for its rehabilitation. It is found in this document that in the particularity of a truncating or deconstructive event - in the organizational case - or of disturbances in the system, elements of analysis are shared that allow understanding the dynamics of the process, and the conception of organizational restoration makes possible a regeneration when the system is unable to generate new processes, from a base to start developing, finally seeking diversity as a central element.
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