Knowledge management, a critical success factor in organizational performance
intangible assets, intellectual capital, knowledge management, organizational performanceAbstract
The purpose of this article is to explore the link between knowledge management and organizational performance, as a fundamental aspect for increasing the level of organizational competitiveness. Knowledge management (KM) aims to manage, store and transmit information to create or maintain competitive advantages in organizations. Organizational performance is basically understood as the real results of an organization from different points of view or indicators. The importance of this process requires a systematic review of research that has focused on establishing the impact of knowledge management on the performance of organizations. The article was approached from a theoretical perspective, the literature was reviewed and analyzed establishing the link between knowledge management and organizational performance. The research that was analyzed was pulled from databases including Emerald, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Scopus and Ebscohost by searching for the keywords. It was established that knowledge management has a significant and positive relationship in organizational performance and that it is a process affected by internal and external factors.
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