Mechanism design as a tool to achieve socially desirable goals


  • Ismael Estrada Cañas
  • Claudia Patricia Meneses Amaya
  • Luis Alejandro Palacio García



incentives, institutions,, mechanism design, social choice


This article reflects on the importance of the theory of mechanism design as a tool to achieve socially desirable goals. The overall purpose is to explain how this advanced topic of economics allows optimal allocations of resources when the exchange is subject to the existence of asymmetric information between the parties. First, we present the conceptual foundations of mechanism design and theoretical contributions by which Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2007. Secondly, we expose the methodological foundations of the theory. The literature shows that to guide transactions and achieve predetermined outcomes is necessary that the principal to implement institutional arrangements that induce agents to reveal their private information for reconciling their incentives.


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How to Cite

Mechanism design as a tool to achieve socially desirable goals. (2015). Criterio Libre, 13(22), 21-48.