
  • Gustavo García Cediel




economic development, Banking, system financial depth


Diverse literature has shown that high banking system degrees are determinant to accelerate economic development since they allow the increase in people’s well-being by facilitating their access to saving and credit mechanisms that increase their consumption and investments and allow them to reach material goods as housing and non-material as education. Likewise, they allow the corporate sector to generate a higher sustainability for their businesses by lowering costs and financing their operation expansion. These results explain the reason why such a variable has become a public policy objective in many countries. This document reviews the banking system evolution in Bucaramanga’s Metropolitan, BMA, focusing on the growth of the main financial products based on the information generated by the Banking Association each trimester. It is found that BMA exceeds the National average in terms of the banking system. However, the growth between the different financial products (savings accounts, checking accounts, credit cards, microcredits, mortgage credits and consumption credits), are different, being micro-credits the one with the highest variation in the analyzed years and checking accounts the one with the least growth.


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How to Cite

EVOLUTION OF THE BANKING SYSTEM IN BUCARAMANGA’S METROPOLITAN AREA: A REVIEW FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF DIFFERENT FINANCIAL PRODUCTS, 2007-2011. (2017). Criterio Libre, 11(19), 51-65. https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-0642/criteriolibre.2013v11n19.1100