The construction of new training scenarios from the resistances of the peoples of Latin America


  • Maria Alejandra Ramírez Galvis



Resistence, Multilateral Organisms, Education, Latin America.


Based on experiences in the construction of new training scenarios based on the resistances that have arisen in Latin America and from their political achievements, we analyze what should be the educational proposal that moves away from the project of the multilateral organizations that it has tried to make education something abstract, universal and generalized, which is why this analysis is done from the perspective of the emancipatory and decolonizing process whose focus is to use all actions to think critically and propose other possible worlds to transform reality.


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Articles results of research processes

How to Cite

The construction of new training scenarios from the resistances of the peoples of Latin America. (2017). Criterio Libre Jurídico, 14(2), 154-158.

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