Hazard perception of novice drivers in mountain roads: a case study in Ecuador
novice drivers, hazard perception, actual hazard, videosAbstract
Novice drivers are more likely to be involved in a traffic accident than experienced drivers. Detecting danger is one of the skills that these drivers must acquire with age and experience. This can reduce this probability, especially on mountain roads. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the hazard perception of novice drivers on mountain roads. Thirty-seven drivers participated in the experiment, who watched videos of road sites. After each video, they had to answer a survey about the hazards they observed on the site. Based on this survey, the hazard perception was estimated, which was compared with the actual hazard, calculated by iRAP. As expected, drivers do not recognize hazards properly, especially in the most dangerous places. No
significant differences were found among sex, age, and type of driver's license. However, relationships were found among hazard perception, the actual hazard, and the error between them, so four linear equations were calibrated. This research will help public and private institutions related to road safety optimize resources in driver training by: a) including the hazard detection of danger in the curriculum, or b) offering a complementary course to those who have already obtained their license.
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