Videogame road scenes to measure hazard perception on experienced drivers
hazard perception, actual perception, experienced drivers, videogame, iRAPAbstract
Experienced drivers develop the hazard perception skills with the driving practice. Hazard perception can be estimated using various methodologies such as photos, videos, simulators, or driving tests. Videogames increasingly are offering more realistic environments, and they are less expensive than simulators. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the hazard perception of experienced drivers using road scenes from videogames. This perception was compared to the objective one provided by iRAP. As a result, experienced drivers underestimate the real danger in the most dangerous places, and overestimate them in the least dangerous sites. Given the trend between these two perceptions, it calibrated a linear regression equation. Also, the differences between the types of drivers' licenses were found in the sample. The results may help to propose specific training plans for these drivers to adjust their hazard perception with the actual one.
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